Dear Santa
Everything Father Christmas has delivered in previous years, and some other things he might consider
I know, it’s October…
…but when I asked you when a post about Christmas presents would be most useful, you clearly said October. Some of you wanted it even sooner, but I can’t condone that sort of thing.
So here it is. I hope it’s useful and inspiring, and I promise not to mention Christmas again this side of Halloween.

Dear Father Christmas,
Please can my children’s stockings be full of fun but not full of junk; our planet is too precious to be sending Christmas gifts to landfill before we’ve even made it to New Year.
Preferably low on plastic. Educational is good but I do (sort of) realise that Christmas Day can be a day off. If possible please avoid things which the children can directly compare because one of them will decide they have been treated unfairly. Please nothing big because space is already at a premium.
And I know that stuff the children find fun is often stuff the grown-ups find infuriating, but please no toys that will have driven Daddy insane before we get to breakfast time.
Good luck!
Here’s how Father Christmas answered that brief last year…
Sleeping Queens (played every day for at least three months)
A collection of old postage stamps, all on a bird theme, in a small tin box with a bird on it
A collection of old coins from foreign countries in a Christmassy box
A small gemstone collection
Spy Puzzles book
Kinetic sand
Old-fashioned individually wrapped sweets
In previous years he delivered…

A wooden boat for the bath
Mini Winter colouring book
A rainbow candle (still untouched because it’s too precious) and candle holder
Window crayons (quite a pain to get off the glass if you don’t do it quickly…)
Clay bird water pipes
Animal face flannel mitts
Paw Patrol magic flannels
Skipping rope
A tiny jar of fun buttons
Other things he’s probably considered…

A Christmas poetry pamphlet
Smart putty
Lego mini figures
Torch/head torch
Knot Skills Kit from the Den Kit Co
Stickers and tattoos
Novelty plasters/bandaids
Fancy French sweets (also these)
Via Unsplash
I’d love to hear what Father Christmas has delivered to your family that’s been a hit. Please share in the comments!
(And I know, the rest of the world calls him Santa Claus. So do my own children. This is the thing I’ve decided to take a stand on.)
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I can't believe I forgot! DOVER COLORING BOOKS. Really beautiful gorgeous illustrations on just about any subject you could want, from Ancient Rome to natural science to different breeds of horses. Perfect for older elementary school level.
Essential reading - thank you Catherine!