Feb 22Liked by Catherine Oliver

We co-sleep (my children are still preschool age) and for the most part I love it. I always feel very loving towards them when they're sleeping (those angelic pudgy faces), and I love reading my book in the evening bookended by two snuggly bodies. On the other hand I don't enjoy it when they inevitably turn horizontally across the bed and I have a head jammed into my armpit and a foot in my back. 😅 Quality of sleep definitely varies.

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Feb 22Liked by Catherine Oliver

<3 I remember some of the resources you're using from one ours were little!

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Feb 23Liked by Catherine Oliver

I co-slept with my son from 3 months to 18 months and I do have to say I'm happy he now sleeps alone. He slowly started taking over MY pillow (he had his own) and then started pushing me into the corner of the bed almost falling off and then if I moved even an inch would wake up. 😅

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What a lovely passage by Laurie Lee. I hope my son remembers our days of sleeping together like this. Not that I wake at dawn and stumble back to the kitchen (not without him tagging along, anyway!).

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Sorry, I have to laugh quite a bit at the idyllic description of co-sleeping there. There is this account that I used to follow on Instagram -- "Homeschooling with the Classics". She was an art history major who would caption these classic paintings in the most hilarious caption. There were a few stellar ones about co-sleeping, toddlers, etc... I'll have to see if I can find one to share in Notes. All this to say: our children have not been sleeping well, and have been trying to join us far too frequently and if I could have several nights of uninterrupted sleep with no one touching me it would be BLISS. I did have a couple babies -- my second in particular -- who were excellent snugglers and would just tuck right in and go to sleep. I have had a few others who like to do things like play with my eyelids and pull my hair at 2 AM. Needless to say, it's a mixed bag :)

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