Would have loved to contribute some insights on homeschooling teens, alas my time seems to get ever more crunched with writing projects and daily life...

Here just a few important things our family learned:

- "build it and they will come" - in order to make social connections happen (and there are none readily available), you need to be the instigator. Create programs, film groups, book clubs, specialty classes. Parents and teens will flock to you!

- teens need other teachers in addition to their parents as class content gets more specialized and complex. In addition, having other teachers ramps us motivation and the amount of effort put into work.

- teens need mentors to inspire them. We have found wonderful online teachers whose positive influence continues to stay with our kids. Our son had an American teacher who taught mythology while living in Egypt, an English teacher who was also a sword smith, falconer, and a consultant on dragons for Game of Thrones, and another who is fluent in Old English and Norse.

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Always enjoy a resource round-up, thank you! My son is a few years older than your children but I always find something interesting to check out, that’s the beauty of home education I suppose.

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