A wonderful list. My daughter is currently making blanket forts in the living room instead of schoolwork and I am ~almost~ succeeding in being just fine with that. I think this post came at just the right time.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Catherine Oliver

When your kids are ready for the physics of the catapult, my boys adore Professor Stephen Ressler at the Great Courses (now Wondrium). His course on the engineering of the ancient world includes a two part course on how catapults were built, and he builds a scale model to demonstrate. It’s all wonderful stuff! (We recommend his other courses, too).

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Catherine Oliver

What a beautiful read. And so comforting to know that people don’t always stick to a ‘plan’. We too have had a step back for the last month and are just enjoying drawing, games and oodles of reading. The darker days definitely feel like they impact my drive x

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