Hi, thank you for recording your home ed days and sharing them with us. Much appreciated. I have a question about your son. You mention he is only 5 and does indenpendent reading learning about history (Vikings). Could be please share about how he (you as a family) got to that place? Did he read out loud for you initially? And if so, what did the transition to independent reading look like?

Best wishes


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Hi Victoria, I’m glad you like the blog. That is a good question and I wish I could give you a straightforward answer! I wrote this post about how he learnt to read which might be useful: https://howwehomeschool.substack.com/p/how-my-children-learnt-to-read-part-1e9

Like so many things in childhood, I don’t really remember exactly how the transition happened. He has always been very keen on books. He read early and easily, I think largely just from being around his sister’s phonics work and early reading books. His brain was obviously just ready for it. He did read the Biff and Chip books to me aloud, but from very early he was happy to sit and read them to himself as well. He was absolutely fascinated by history from a young age, and would sit and look at history books for ages. I think for encouraging independent reading (or even just independent looking at books, before reading is actually happening) the key is to have books the child is desperate to engage with. We borrow so many books from the library and they don’t all get read, but it gives the children a chance to try out loads of stories, subjects etc and find what they love. Also my husband and I love books and read every day, so pretty much from birth the children have got the idea that people read for pleasure and sometimes find a book so good they can’t put it down!

I would love to say it was our brilliant parenting that got him reading independently but I think it’s just who he is. The story of how his sister learnt to read is quite different (the post before the one I’ve linked). But for both children we have tried not to make reading a chore that has to be got through but a source of enjoyment (which is not easy when the very first reading books are so very boring). I’m not sure that really answers your question but I hope it’s some help…!

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Catherine Oliver

Thank you so much for this detailed, speedy answer Catherine. Very helpful. Just wanted to say that I've only just discovered your blog recently and really enjoy having a sneak peak into your kiddos days - especially into what resources you use (podcasts, etc.).

Thank you again,


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You’re so welcome and I’m so pleased you’re enjoying the blog 😊Thank you!

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