Sep 28, 2023Liked by Catherine Oliver

Honestly, your day sounds lovely. I homeschooled my kids for the better part of twenty years, and we almost never had a "Plan A" kind of day. Life intervenes. But the kids cared about many things. They were curious. They ran down rabbit trails of their own interests. And they were kind--to each other and to their friends. Looking back now, I guess that was the Plan all along.

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were you looking at the book of kells in the usborne book? or elsewhere?

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Yes, in the Usborne book. Only one image but so much detail to see in just one picture! Planning a trip to the British Library to see other illuminated manuscripts. This afternoon I discovered that you can also look at the entire Book of Kells online and it is, of course, amazing. Better than real life, perhaps, because you can zoom in, no magnifying glass required!

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I have sympathy! We all have colds this week too. For what it’s worth, it sounds like you made the best of the day and they did a lot!

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I hope you all feel better soon! I thought that going down the home ed route we would escape all the bugs that go round schools, but clearly not!

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