Apr 15, 2023Liked by Catherine Oliver

Thanks, that’s really helpful

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Catherine Oliver

Hi - I meant to comment on a previous comment you wrote about reading which was very useful. I got the phonic set of 7 books on ebay for about £13 for my grandson. Talking to a retired remedial teacher, she liked the books and emphasised the importance of connecting sounds and actions to go with them as children learn most effectively through multiple approaches. Out of that discussion came the importance of poetry. Do you have any poetry books you found particularly good for three year olds - particularly boys. I am not aware of any that cover trains, diggers, space or cars??!!

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> Then I look at the British Government’s National Curriculum for each school year that my children are equivalent to. I hate this bit, because the National Curriculum excels at taking ten pages to say what could easily be said in one.

Here in the United States I looked at the Common Core requirements for a similar reason. Not only does it take ten pages to say what could be done in one, but it's so full of academic jargon it's essentially useless. Gave up pretty quick.

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