"In a very exciting and inspiring way, not a crushing and defeating way, there is so much to learn! It’s like the world’s biggest chocolate box! I want to take the children out of their comfort zones, gently and kindly, and introduce them to things they might never explore by themselves." Love this.
Also, how does Charlotte Mason have ENDLESS gems?? She was prolific.
"In a very exciting and inspiring way, not a crushing and defeating way, there is so much to learn! It’s like the world’s biggest chocolate box! I want to take the children out of their comfort zones, gently and kindly, and introduce them to things they might never explore by themselves." Love this.
Also, how does Charlotte Mason have ENDLESS gems?? She was prolific.
I was going to pull the same quote! Love it. I feel like one of the benefits of home ed is the sense of exploration. In many typical curricula and school settings, there just isn’t room / time / energy to poke about in something that isn’t on the schedule. But if that’s a normal part of life, it is indeed a great gift and safeguard (one hopes) against the siren song of Netflix, Minecraft, et al.
"In a very exciting and inspiring way, not a crushing and defeating way, there is so much to learn! It’s like the world’s biggest chocolate box! I want to take the children out of their comfort zones, gently and kindly, and introduce them to things they might never explore by themselves." Love this.
Also, how does Charlotte Mason have ENDLESS gems?? She was prolific.
I was going to pull the same quote! Love it. I feel like one of the benefits of home ed is the sense of exploration. In many typical curricula and school settings, there just isn’t room / time / energy to poke about in something that isn’t on the schedule. But if that’s a normal part of life, it is indeed a great gift and safeguard (one hopes) against the siren song of Netflix, Minecraft, et al.